WEP 105: Wes Molyneux on How to Rock 1:1 Deployment and Professional Development

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Wes Molyneaux on how to successfully implement a 1:1 tech deployment, how a district might be able to improve upon an unsuccessful attempt, creating great professional development opportunities, Apple’s Education Event in Chicago, and so much more. (Topics include but not limited to: 1:1 deployment, fixing a bad deployment, Great PD, instructional leaders, best practices, student engagement, Mar

I know you are going to love this interview! Wes is the director of technology in the Elkhart Community School district, an Apple Distinguished Educator, on the ADE Advisory Board for the Americas, a Google Certified Teacher L1 and L2, a great friend and a brilliant educator. Wes shares so much. He is Brilliant! Follow Wes on Twitter!

Wes Molyneaux is the director of technology integration in the Elkhart Community School District where he is accountable for the development of processes related to improved professional practice through technology initiatives and innovative professional development. This includes overseeing the technology integration team and ensuring the alignment of professional development to the teacher appraisal system and the strategic plan. Wes started his career at New Trier High School in 2006 teaching biology and anatomy and physiology.
After teaching for a few years he moved into a professional development role spending 50% of his time teaching anatomy and physiology to juniors and seniors and 50% of his time working with teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms.
In addition to teaching and leading professional development at New Trier and now Elkhart, he has presented at a number of different venues including; Mobile2012 in Arizona, ASCD Conference in Chicago, Apple Executive Briefing Center in Chicago, the CPS iPad Academy, several redefining mobile learning events in the Midwest at the ADE2013 Institute in Austin, Texas, at the ADE institute 2014, at EMS2014, at the EdTech Innovation summit in 2016, ConnectEd academy in Dallas in 2016 and 2017, SXSedu 2016, Innovation Summit in Nobelsville, IN in 2017, and at MACUL in 2017.  Wes will be presenting at ISTE in June of 2018, at iEngage-Midwest in April of 2018 and at 2018 IGNITE eLearning Conference in June on innovative teaching methods using iPads in the classroom.
Wes is a Google Certified Teacher Level I and II.  He is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and has served on the Apple Distinguished Educator’s advisory board since January of 2015.
Wes’s website is dedicated to helping teachers and students use the interactivity, portability and anywhere anytime learning capabilities of the iPad to increase student engagement and their overall learning.
Mentioned in this podcast: 
Planbook.com: The best way to plan, organize and share your lessons. www.planbook.com
Wes’s website: https://ipads4education.org
Apple’s March Education Keynote: https://www.apple.com/apple-events/march-2018/
A gadget Wes is hoping to get: A hand-held gimbal for iPhone.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email: 

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 104 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library.

WEP 103: Leadership and Culture, an Interview with Brian Kight

An Interview with Brian Kight

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Brian Kight, CEO of Focus 3 and international expert on on leadership and culture.

Focus 3 is providing school districts across the country with the tools they need to make a difference in the lives of students by making transformational changes in the school’s culture. It simply works.

You are going to love this interview with Brian.

Brian Kight is a multi-industry leader on the topics of leadership, culture, and behavior.

He provides simple systems that produce exceptional results for organizations, teams, and people.

Simple, clear, and immediately actionable.

Brian applies the timeless “physics” of performance to the most important challenges in life and business.

His clients across the globe include professional and collegiate sports teams, schools, banks, manufacturing, healthcare, accounting, insurance and many others.

As the CEO at Focus 3, Brian has worked for over a decade directly with all levels of executives and associates. The trust clients have in Brian and his impact has made him one of the top-rated keynote speakers and consultants based in the United States.

Follow Brian Kight on social media at @TBrianKight

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Book Creator: One of the best apps in education! www.BookCreator.com

Brian’s favorite book: Anti-Fragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Brian is currently reading: Roots of Strategy Book 1.

Brian’s Podcast: The Focus 3 Podcast

Focus 3 website: https://www.focus3.com

My interview with Brian’s dad, the Founder of Focus 3, Tim Night: Wired Educator Episode 89


Follow Wired Educator on Facebook.

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Enter to win 90 days of free coaching with Kelly Croy; complete this form, one winner will are chosen: https://goo.gl/forms/DfMc7Gz7rH75JRLv1

Is your school district looking for an opening day speaker? Please consider the art and words of Kelly Croy. 

Present at The 2018 CREATE! Conference

2018 CREATE! Conference at Anthony Wayne Schools in Ohio

Please consider attending or presenting atThe 2018 CREATE! Conference at Anthony Wayne Schools hosted by Apple Distinguished Educator, Chris Hamady. Chris is one of the nicest and most brilliant educational leaders I know. You can follow his blog here: http://www.chrishamady.com and on Twitter here: @chamady

I have keynoted, presented, and attended this conference and it is spectacular. If you cannot present or attend, I hope you will share this with your PLN.

Thank you.


Here is everything you need to know about the conference:

CREATE! – June 7, 2018
8:15 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

2018 CREATE! Conference. creativity. technology. education

Anthony Wayne Local Schools, an award winning educational technology program, and Bowling Green State University, are pleased to invite you to take part in the 2018 CREATE! Conference on June 7, 2018.

CREATE! was conceived to provide educators with an opportunity to explore and discover real-world, standards-based lessons that incorporate creativity, technology and 21st century skills. Lessons containing these characteristics result in engaging, inspiring, student-centered learning. Let our presenters show you how they are leading the evolution of teaching and learning in order to more effectively prepare our students for the 21st century and beyond.

There will be 6 session strands at CREATE! 2018:

1. Sessions that focus on the integration of creativity and technology into the classroom.

2. Sessions that focus on Information Technology support of classroom technology integration.

3. Sessions that focus on higher education and its focus on the integration of creativity and technology in the classroom through research and faculty development.

4. Sessions co-presented by students.

5. Sessions focusing on STEM and STEAM related content.

6. Sessions focusing on Personalized Learning.

The 2018 CREATE! Conference call for presenters is now open. You can find a link to submit your presentations, entitled “Presenter Registration,” on the conference web site:


Last year’s conference attracted over 170 attendees from all around the state of Ohio. Presenters will receive a stipend of $50.00 per presentation up to a maximum of two presentations, free conference registration, breakfast and lunch. General attendee registration will open up in April.

Thank you very much and we look forward to reading your submissions.

Chris Hamady

Director of Technology
Anthony Wayne Local Schools

Swear Jar for Education #SwearJar4EDU

Inspired by the Marvel Superhero Series Luke Cage on Netflix

I created a Go Fund Me Page to encourage people to be better role models and to help two school districts who are being suffering from unfair educational funding practices in the State of Ohio. I hear people on TV using profanity, politicians using profanity, professional athletes using profanity, and more. So, it really shouldn’t be a surprise when we hear kids use profanity.
 I have devoted my life to education as a teacher for 27 years, and now an administrator.
Here are two things that bother me that I am trying to solve:
1) More and more people are using profanity, and children hear it! It’s awful.  Kids model what they hear.

2) Schools are incredibly underfunded. Many educators and classrooms are going without resources and training they want and need.

Let’s get the two together. If you catch someone swearing online, in a podcast, or in a text, in an email, or in person in public, or anywhere… send them the link to this virtual swear jar. Let’s have some fun and hold them accountable.


If you see it or hear it… tag it with #SwearJar4EDU and send them the link to to the Go Fund Me page.

Any and all funds collected will go to the teachers where my daughters attend school, Benton Carroll Salem School District, and to teachers where I work at Port Clinton City Schools.

I watched the Netflix Series Luke Cage and the barber shop had a swear jar in it. If anyone used profanity, Pop made them put money in the jar. I loved the idea.

I have been a teacher for 27 years, and now I am an administrator.  I know two things: kids need good role models and schools need money.

I think this is a fun and innovative way to help.

I see the money being used to promote literacy, project based learning and STEAM initiatives at both of the districts.

Due to recent deregulation of a nuclear power plant, both schools are suffering  incredibly high losses in unrecoverable tax revenue. PC’s loss is incredibly damaging, and BCS’s loss is catastrophic:


Please use and share this swear jar.


Kelly Croy

WEP 0098: Mathematical Mindsets, an Interview with Dr. Jo Boaler

An Interview with Dr. Jo Boaler

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Dr. Jo Boaler about her amazing book Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching.

Dr Jo Boaler is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University and co-founder of www.youcubed.org. Formerly the Marie Curie Professor of Mathematics Education for England, a mathematics teacher in London comprehensive schools and a researcher at King’s College, London. She is the author of eight books including What’s Math Got To Do With It? (2015) and Mathematical Mindsets (2016). She is the recipient of the NCSM award for equity, the author of the first MOOC on mathematics learning for teachers and parents, a White House presenter and an advisor to the PISA team at the OECD.

Mentioned in this episode:

Help your students become published authors in any grade in any subject; Book Creator is one of my favorite apps for any device! www.BookCreator.com

Jo Boaler’s book: Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching.

Here is a list of all of Jo’s books!

One of Jo’s favorite mathematicians is Maryam Mirzakhani: Here she is in a 6 Set of Prints from NASA: Mighty Women in Science Poster Set.

Two more of Jo’s favorite mathematicians include: Steve Strogatz: Here is a list of his books. and Keith Devlin and his works.

Jo used math counting sticks like these as a child and recommends similar to parents: Educational Math Counting Sticks.

Jo cofounded: www.Youcubed.org a resource to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics to transform their classroom.

How to Learn Math: A free course for students by Jo Boaler.

Leave a review for the Wired Educator Podcast here.

Kelly has a new podcast title The Future Focused Podcast. Please give it a listen!

Ask your superintendent to visit www.KellyCroy.com and request Kelly to be your opening day speaker.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 115 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

Why Amazon Should Choose Ottawa County, Ohio for Second Headquarters

An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos and The World

An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos:

Top Reasons Amazon Should Choose Ottawa County, Ohio for their Second Headquarters

Amazon is about to choose where to locate their second headquarters. Amazon has found success time and time again by making bold moves and taking risks. I have outlined below why Amazon should shock the world and choose Ottawa County, Ohio for the location of Amazon HQ2.

Dear Amazon,

Here are the top reasons Amazon should choose Ottawa County, Ohio:

  • Superior Transportation Access: Need convenient and quick access for transportation via land, air, and sea? Ottawa County, Ohio has you covered. Ottawa County is intersected by an incredible highway system. The Ohio Turnpike bisects the county East and West, and Interstate 75 runs North and South and is only 15-20 minutes away. Ottawa County is home to its own International Airport, and other major airports are nearby too.  Ottawa County dominates in access to railway systems. Ottawa County is conveniently located near International Shipping yards in Toledo. Amazon could not find a location with better access to transportation than Ottawa County, Ohio.


  • Location: Looking for the perfect location for convenience and safety? Ottawa County is not only near several UPS hubs and major United States Postal Service centers, it is centrally located in the United States, and on the Canadian border. Its rural setting and flat terrain make it incredibly safe and perfect for data centers, alternative energy initiatives, and secretive research and development centers. In fact, with the nearby nuclear power plant, Lake Erie, and international border, Ottawa County has superior safety measures already in place with border patrol, nearby military bases, and impressive local, law enforcement. Amazon could not find a better location for safety and convenience than Ottawa County, Ohio.

WEP 0096: Unmapped Potential an Interview with Julie Hasson

WEP 0096: Unmapped Potential and Interview with Julie Hasson

In this 96th episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Julie Hasson, the co-author of the amazing book, Unmapped Potential: An Educator’s Guide to Lasting Change. Julie has a unique perspective in education from multiple vantage points, she has been an educator, and administrator, and now trains future teachers as a college professor. Julie and Kelly have an incredible conversation about educational data and the best ways to use it. This is a great conversation with a brilliant educator and author, Juie Hasson. You are going to love this interview.

Julie is a third generation educator and a former public school teacher and principal. She is currently a professor at her alma mater, Florida Southern College, where she teaches graduate courses in educational leadership. When Julie is not teaching, she is doing qualitative research in schools, delving into educator expectations and impact. Julie is also a speaker, trainer and author of Unmapped Potential. Julie Hasson, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Coordinator for the Master of Educational Leadership at Florida Southern College.

Mentioned in this podcast:

Our Sponsor: Potato Pirates: A fun card game that teachers you programming! <<< Check it out!

Julie’s book, Unmapped Potential: An Educator’s Guide to Lasting Change by Julie Hasson & Missy Leonard.

Books Kelly is reading and recommends:

The Wild Card: 7 Steps to an Educator’s Creative Breakthrough by Hope & Wade King

Culturize: Every Student Every Day. Whatever it Takes. by Jimmy Casas

Code Breakers: Increase Creativity. Remix Assessment. And Develop a Class of Coder Ninjas. by Brian Aspinall



WEP 0095: Learn Like a Pirate, An Interview with Paul Solarz

An Interview with Paul Solarz, Educational Leader & Author

An Interview with Paul Solarz, author of Learn Like a Pirate: Empower Your Students to Collaborate, Lead, and Succeed.

Paul Solarz has been teaching since 1999. He is a National Board Certified Educator and has been awarded numerous honors including: Top 50 Finalist for the Varkey GEMS Global Teacher Prize (like the Nobel Prize for Education), was named 2014 Educator of the Year by then Illinois Computing Educators. He earned his Master’s Degree from Illinois State University in Curriculum and Instruction.

His book, Learn Like a Pirate is about:

Collaboration. Empowerment. Student Leadership. These buzz words get a lot of press, but what do they really mean for today’s students? Can students really handle the responsibility of leading the class? Can they actually learn what they need to if they are working together so often? Won’t all this freedom cause chaos in the classroom? Not if you’re teaching them to learn like PIRATES!

In Learn Like a PIRATE, teachers will discover practical strategies for creating a student-led classroom in which students are inspired and empowered to take charge of their learning experience. You’ll learn strategies for:
– Crafting active, relevant, and interesting lessons
– Creating opportunities for student leadership
– Providing effective and beneficial feedback
– Instilling confidence so students can take risks
– Increasing curiosity and passion for learning
Incorporate the techniques and strategies Paul Solarz uses in his student-led classroom and watch your students transform into confident, collaborative leaders.

Follow Paul on Twitter at @PaulSolarz

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Paul’s book Learn Like a Pirate

Paul’s Most Influential Book He’s Ever Read is Teach Like a Pirate! by Dave Burgess

The Next Book Paul Will Read is: Lead Like a Pirate by Beth Hour and Shelley Burgess

Paul’s Next Purchase: A Second Projector (It’s Under $300)

Paul’s Favorite App: Sown to Grow (Students Monitor Their Goals)

Kelly’s new Podcast: The Future Focused Podcast

Kelly’s book: Along Came a Leader

Kelly’s website: www.KellyCroy.com

WEP 0093: What Makes Great Professional Development? An Interview with Rich Czyz

An Interview with Rich Czyz

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Rich Czyz and educational leader and author making a positive impact for educators and learners. Rich is the author of The Four O’Clock Faculty: A Rogue Guide to Revolutionize Professional Development.

Author Rich Czyz is on a mission to revolutionize professional learning for all educators. In The Four O’Clock Faculty, Rich identifies ways to make Professional Development meaningful, efficient, and, above all, personally relevant.

Rich’s book is a practical guide that reveals why some Professional Development is so awful and what you can do to change the model for the betterment of you and your colleagues.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Purchase your copy of Rich’s book The Four O’Clock Faculty here!

One of Rich’s favorite reads: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

One of the books that most impacted Rich’s thoughts on education: Lead Like a Pirate! by Beth Houf and Shelley Burgess

Sphero: The Affordable Robot for Every Classroom.

Tools & Resources Mentioned: Smore, Wordswag, Retype, Type O Rama, Voxer, EdCamp

Rich’s one word for 2017: Push!

Ideas & Themes Mentioned: No Office Day, Use Your Commute, The Hour of Possibility, Pop-Up PD, Survey Teachers, Own Your Own PD, Go Above & Beyond Your Learning