WEP 113: The Digital Native Myth, An Interview with Cory Tressler

An Interview with Cory Tressler

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Cory Tressler about The Ohio State University’s eleven thousand iPad Pro rollout to all incoming freshmen, the myth of the digital native, and so much more. This is fantastic interview with an amazing Apple Distinguished Educator and educational leader. You’re going to love it! Buckle-up.

Cory Tressler

Cory Tressler, Director of Learning Programs & Digital Flagship at The Ohio State University, earned his undergraduate degrees at The Ohio State University, his master of arts in teaching degree at the University of South Carolina, and he is currently a graduate student at The Ohio State University. While completing his undergraduate degrees at The Ohio State University, Cory worked as a library associate at the Music & Dance Library, where he managed a collection of thousands of music and dance recordings and produced the Music Library Hour on OSU’s Underground Student Radio. After graduating from the University of South Carolina, he became an elementary school teacher at Hilton Head Island School for the Creative Arts. In 2009, he became an administrator for Beaufort County School District, where he helped create virtual learning and technology rich classroom experiences for over 20,000 k12 students. In 2012, he returned to The Ohio State University as part of the Digital First initiative, where he assisted with the development of over 90 public iTunes U courses, the creation of the OSU Marching Band iPad program, and the Digital First Impact Grant which placed mobile technology in OSU classrooms. In 2014, he co-authored and was named principal investigator of an Ohio Straight A Grant titled, College Ready Ohio, that was awarded $13.5 million to promote college readiness via teacher professional development, technology integration, access to rigorous content, and online dual enrollment opportunities from The Ohio State University in 10 public high school throughout Ohio. In 2015, he was named an Apple Distinguished Educator. In 2017, he helped design and launch Digital Flagship, which is a large-scale partnership between Ohio State and Apple. Digital Flagship focuses on providing students with mobile technology to enhance their academic and career readiness, provide coding curriculum in a flexible format for any interested student, and engaging and embracing mobile app development opportunities at the enterprise and individual levels.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

Sphero Bolt, (affiliate link) the educational robot for your classroom. This is the amazing educational robot mentioned in the pre-roll of this podcast. It is awesome.

Drive by Daniel Pink: (affilate link) this is Cory’s most influential book choice for you. Drive has been mentioned on this podcast by many guests. It is time I read this book.

Follow Cory on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/tresslertech 

Follow The Ohio State University’s Digital Flagshi at: https://digitalflagship.osu.edu/


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 112: Everyone Can Create Podcasts

My ADE Worldwide Institute #EveryoneCanCreate Project 2018

This episode of the Wired Educator Podcast is my ADE Worldwide Institute #EveryoneCanCreate Project 2018.

A podcast teaching you how to podcast.

I want to show the world that everyone can create podcasts.

I will provide you with the WHY of Podcasting and HOW to do it.

Podcasting is the most personal and intimate form of social media. It lends itself well to multi-tasking. It is essentially just growing your classroom a little bigger and gives you to make the world your classroom.

I will show you the tools you need and how to start making your first podcast today!

Mentioned in this podcast: 

  • The microphone you need: I use the Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone; it is only$69.
  • Anchor App for iOS devices to record podcasts on your iPhone and iPad. The easiest way to make a podcast. www.anchor.fm
  • Martin Coutts, a Scottish ADE’s ibook: Podcasting: A Quick Guide. A free iBook on how to create a podcast with an iOS device.
  • GarageBand: a free app for iOS devices and Macs to record podcasts.
  • Skype: a video conferencing tool that is great for recording interviews over the internet.
  • Ecamm Call Recorder App: An app that works with Skype to record Skype interviews.
  • Auphonic: a web-based service that levels the sound of your podcast and boosts the volume. $5 a month
  • Libsyn: The pioneer of podcasting that allows you to host your podcast for $5 a month.
  • Dave Burgess Consulting Books.
  • Learn Like a Pirate audio book: written by Paul Solarz and ready by Kelly Croy.
  • Start. Right. Now audio book: written by Todd Whitaker, Jeffrey Zoul, and Jimmy Casas and read by Kelly Croy.


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 111: Challenge Based Learning, An Interview with Jodie Deinhammer

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I talk with Jodie Deinhammer, a celebrated Science teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator about teaching Science in a progressive school district, student choice as a menu, good reflection, 1:1 programs, drones, creativity, her mention in John Couch’s book, Rewiring Education, Challenge Based Learning, student voice, assessments, and so much more! Whew! This episode has tremendous value for all educators and administrators. I know you are going to love hearing Jodie’s story.
Jodie Deinhammer has been teaching science in Coppell ISD for over 20 years.  She was the Texas Region 10’s Secondary Teacher of the Year for 2015, and was the Texas Medical Association Texas Science Teacher of the Year in 2013.  She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator.
As an Apple Distinguished Educator, Mrs. Deinhammer works with teachers around the globe to help creatively integrate technology into the classroom. She encourages educators and administrators to create classrooms that allow students to investigate and address real world issues and create innovative solutions.
Mrs. Deinhammer believes that students should have a voice in their education and that schools need to drastically change to meet the needs of our changing world. We should challenge our students with authentic real world issues and give them a platform to make a difference in society.  We shouldn’t focus on preparing our kids for what is next, but instead helping them make a contribution each and every day.
Mentioned in the podcast: 
Affinity Photo & Affinity Designer for the MacBook and iPad.
The drone you need for your classroom! Jodie is interested in a drone for her class, like many educators, and after much research, this is the drone I would recommend to any teacher interested in purchasing a drone. You will love it.
Jodie’s favorite books, All the Light You Cannot See and Teach Like a Pirate.
Her favorite apps are Apple’s Keynote and Apple’s Numbers.
Find out about Jodie’s goal of initiating global collaborations with her classroom in this podcast.


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 110: Why You Should Consider an Educational Doctorate: An Interview with Liz Meredith

An Interview with Liz Meredith

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Liz Meredith about her recent accomplishment of earning a doctorate degree in education, and why you might want to as well, professional development, the Apple Distinguished Educator Program, how the position of Director of Innovation helps a school district, and so much more!

Liz Meredith is the Coordinator of Curriculum and Director of Innovation at Rolling Hills Local Schools in rural southeastern Ohio. She has more than a decade of teaching experience in middle school science and also spent two years as a curriculum writer for the Challenger Learning Center at Wheeling Jesuit University. She continues to conduct professional development workshops for other teachers on the use of educational technology in the classroom. In 2015, she became an Apple Distinguished Educator while also receiving NSTA’s Distinguished Teaching Award. This past spring she completed her dissertation on the impact of social media on educational technology integration and received her Educational Doctorate.

Liz’s choice for most inspirational book.

Mentioned in this podcast:

ZappyCode: Learn to Code with Nick Walter and his online coding course that teaches you how to make an iPhone app and so much more. Thank you ZappyCode for sponsoring this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast. I am a ZappyCode student, and I love and recommend the course for anyone interested in learning to code.

TouchCast: Create smart videos. TouchCast allows you to create and stream video that allows any file to be shared inside the video. The possibilities are exciting and endless. This is an app Liz recommends. 

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead: this is Liz’s favorite book.

Liz’s next purchase may be a 360 camera to create virtual tools of her school. The Samsung Gear 360 looks great for under $100, and the Insta 360 One looks to be the most impressive with every feature imaginable at $299. Not sure which one I will choose, but I love the idea. Here’s a list of other 360 cameras..

Win a a copy of John Couch’s book, Rewiring Education by clicking here & subscribing to the Wired Educator Newsletter. One winner will be announced. Or Tweet why you follow @WiredEducator on Twitter or other social media for a chance to win.



Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


WEP 109: Instructional Design, An Interview with Daniel Budd

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly talks design, coding, and more with Daniel Budd, an amazing Australian educator who is impacting education with Swift Playgrounds, Coding, an so much more. You are going to love this interview with Daniel Budd.

Daniel is the Director of Learning Technologies at Corpus Christi College, an Apple Distinguished School in Perth, Australia.  He is an Apple Distinguished Educator and is actively involved in research projects focussed on STEM education, robotics, big data and Design Thinking. His career began in Web Development and Design for leading Australian advertising firms and now raises awareness of the effective pedagogical integration of technology as a Speaker, Author and Teacher.

Mentioned in the Podcast:

Daniel Budd recommends the book: Economic Singularity: Artificial Intelligence and the Death of Capitalism by Calum Chace

Daniel’s website: www.DanielBudd.com.au

Daniel’s favorite apps: Slack and Explain Everything

Swift Playgrounds

Daniel also recommends the book Read Player One.

Daniel’s best recommendation of time and money is in audio books; you can get an Audible Account here:

Win a a copy of John Couch’s book, Rewiring Education by clicking here & subscribing to the Wired Educator Newsletter. One winner will be announced. Or Tweet why you follow @WiredEducatoron Twitter or other social media for a chance to win.



Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 



WEP 108: Promote Mathematical Conversations at Home, An Interview with Mary Kemper

An Interview with Mary Kemper

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Apple Distinguished Educator, Mary Kemper.

Mary Kemper is the K-12 Director of Mathematics in Coppell ISD in Coppell, Texas.  Her impact extends beyond her district as she also serves as the President of the Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics.  Ms. Kemper oversees her district’s long-term plans for mathematics, designs curriculum, and supports campus educators and principals through professional learning.  Her long-term professional goal includes improving equity and access to high quality teaching and learning of mathematics for all students.  Named an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2015, she embraces the opportunity to make a difference as an authentic author, trusted advisor, passionate advocate, and global ambassador. Follow Mary on Twitter: @MrsKemper

Mentioned in the Podcast:

Book: Table Talk Math by John Stevens

Mary’s Blog: agreaterimpact.wordpress.com

Mary’s Resource #1: Promoting Mathematical Conversations at Home


Mary’s Resource #2: One of my No Office Days:


Joy of Professional Learning: https://www.joyofprofessionallearning.org/

One of Mary’s favorite influential books: John Maxwell’s book, 5 Levels of Leadership

Win a a copy of John Couch’s book, Rewiring Education by clicking here & subscribing to the Wired Educator Newsletter. One winner will be announced. Or Tweet why you follow @WiredEducatoron Twitter or other social media for a chance to win.



Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 107: If I Were a Wizard, An Interview with Paul Hamilton

Paul is the Head of Learning Technologies (Primary) at Matthew Flinders Anglican College on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. He is a leader and innovator in the Edtech world, renowned for his work in AR, AI and iBeacon technology. Paul is a best selling Children’s Picture Book Author, App Developer and sought after Keynote Speaker. Paul is the Author of the best selling children’s book, “If I Were a Wizard…”

Paul has been featured in ‘The Age, ‘Sydney Morning Herald’​, ‘Canberra Times’​ as a leading pioneer in the edtech field. He is the visionary of the EduBeacons App – One of the first creators/users of iBeacon technology in the Educational field in the World. Paul is the creator of “Edtech Synchronicity”​, a reflection framework for integrating tech in education. He says, “Teaching is in my blood. Transforming education through innovation is at the heart of what I do. Helping others make a connection, is what I love.” He is also the author of ‘iPad Monthly.’ Paul is also a member of the Canva Education Advisory Board, Explain Everything Advisory Boar, and a Book Creator Ambassador, an Apple Distinguished Educator, 2013 Finalist, International EdTech Digest Awards Recognition Program honoring tools, trendsetters and leaders in the education and technology sector. The distinguished awards program recognizes outstanding solutions―and the best and brightest minds―in education and technology. 2013 Finalist – EduBlogs Life Time achievement award.

About Paul’s book, If I Were a Wizard: 


In a quiet corner of a distant forest, a young mouse dares to dream of what might be. While her fellow classmates aspire to become football players, architects and doctors, Hazel begins an adventure of a lifetime. With the power of magic, Hazel journeys through her day, helping friends and family, solving problems and making the world a better place.

If I Were A Wizard…

Introduces coding concepts through the imagination of a young mouse. From Repeats and Loops to Algorithms, If I Were A Wizard prompts discussions and helps build conceptual understanding of coding concepts.

Paul’s website: http://www.appsbypaulhamilton.com/
Follow Paul on Twitter.

Mentioned in this podcast:

If I were a Wizard by Paul Hamilton

Paul recommends the book Drive by Daniel Pink

Win a a copy of John Couch’s book, Rewiring Education by clicking here & subscribing to the Wired Educator Newsletter. One winner will be announced. Or Tweet why you follow @WiredEducator on Twitter or other social media for a chance to win.



Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 



WEP 106: Rewiring Education, An Interview with John Couch

How Technology Can Unlock Every Student's Potential. 

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews John D. Couch, the 54th person hired at Apple, the first VP of Education at Apple, friend of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and the author of a hot new book titled: Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student’s Potential.

You can order your copy of John’s book here: Rewiring Education by John Couch.

Apple’s iconic co-founder Steve Jobs had a powerful vision for education, employing technology to make an enormous positive effect on the lives of millions of students. The man Jobs tapped to realize this vision was John D. Couch, a trusted engineer and executive who had a passion for education. Couch believed learning needed to be personal and collaborative. He argued the real purpose of education was to help children discover their uniqueness and empower them to reach beyond their perceived potential. However, changing a system that has notoriously resisted change for the past century proved to be no small task, even for an Apple vice president.

Now, though, technology is increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, rewiring our homes, our jobs, and even our brains. Most important, a rewiring of education is finally beginning to unlock the potential of our schools, children, and society.

In Rewiring Education, Couch shares the professional lessons he’s learned during his 50-plus years in education and technology. He takes us behind Apple’s major research study, Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT), and its follow-up (ACOT 2), highlighting the powerful effects of the Challenge-Based Learning framework. Going beyond Apple’s walls, he also introduces us to some of the most extraordinary parents, educators, and entrepreneurs from around the world who have ignored the failed promises of memorization and, instead, utilize new science-backed methods and technologies that benefit all children, from those who struggle to honor students.

Rewiring Education examines the future, looking at the most promising of the emerging technologies, and how we, as parents, teachers, and voters, can ensure our children are provided with opportunities and access to the relevant, creative, collaborative, and challenging learning environments they need to succeed both today and tomorrow.

Mentioned in this podcast:

John’s new book: Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student’s Potential.

John’s Non-Profit is: BeyondSchool.com

Win a a copy of John Couch’s book, Rewiring Education by clicking here & subscribing to the Wired Educator Newsletter. One winner will be announced. Or Tweet why you follow @WiredEducator on Twitter or other social media for a chance to win.


Steve Wozniak’s Woz University: https://woz-u.com/curriculum/

Challenge Based Learning


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 105: Wes Molyneux on How to Rock 1:1 Deployment and Professional Development

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Wes Molyneaux on how to successfully implement a 1:1 tech deployment, how a district might be able to improve upon an unsuccessful attempt, creating great professional development opportunities, Apple’s Education Event in Chicago, and so much more. (Topics include but not limited to: 1:1 deployment, fixing a bad deployment, Great PD, instructional leaders, best practices, student engagement, Mar

I know you are going to love this interview! Wes is the director of technology in the Elkhart Community School district, an Apple Distinguished Educator, on the ADE Advisory Board for the Americas, a Google Certified Teacher L1 and L2, a great friend and a brilliant educator. Wes shares so much. He is Brilliant! Follow Wes on Twitter!

Wes Molyneaux is the director of technology integration in the Elkhart Community School District where he is accountable for the development of processes related to improved professional practice through technology initiatives and innovative professional development. This includes overseeing the technology integration team and ensuring the alignment of professional development to the teacher appraisal system and the strategic plan. Wes started his career at New Trier High School in 2006 teaching biology and anatomy and physiology.
After teaching for a few years he moved into a professional development role spending 50% of his time teaching anatomy and physiology to juniors and seniors and 50% of his time working with teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms.
In addition to teaching and leading professional development at New Trier and now Elkhart, he has presented at a number of different venues including; Mobile2012 in Arizona, ASCD Conference in Chicago, Apple Executive Briefing Center in Chicago, the CPS iPad Academy, several redefining mobile learning events in the Midwest at the ADE2013 Institute in Austin, Texas, at the ADE institute 2014, at EMS2014, at the EdTech Innovation summit in 2016, ConnectEd academy in Dallas in 2016 and 2017, SXSedu 2016, Innovation Summit in Nobelsville, IN in 2017, and at MACUL in 2017.  Wes will be presenting at ISTE in June of 2018, at iEngage-Midwest in April of 2018 and at 2018 IGNITE eLearning Conference in June on innovative teaching methods using iPads in the classroom.
Wes is a Google Certified Teacher Level I and II.  He is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and has served on the Apple Distinguished Educator’s advisory board since January of 2015.
Wes’s website is dedicated to helping teachers and students use the interactivity, portability and anywhere anytime learning capabilities of the iPad to increase student engagement and their overall learning.
Mentioned in this podcast: 
Planbook.com: The best way to plan, organize and share your lessons. www.planbook.com
Wes’s website: https://ipads4education.org
Apple’s March Education Keynote: https://www.apple.com/apple-events/march-2018/
A gadget Wes is hoping to get: A hand-held gimbal for iPhone.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email: 

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 104 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library.

WEP 104: The Temperament of an Educator, an Interview with Keven Rinamen

An Interview with Keven Rinamen

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews creator of Teachers’ Tech Toolbox, and Technology Director, Keven Rinaman.
Keven Rinaman is the Director of Technology at Calvert Catholic Schools in Tiffin, OH.  A graduate of Heidelberg University (’07) and Western Governors University (’17), Keven aims to utilize his knowledge and skills to bring classroom technology tools to teachers all over the world.  Keven has been in education for the past ten years.  A man of many jobs, he has been a classroom teacher, coach (wrestling, golf, baseball), Dean of Students, Student Council Advisor, and as Director of Technology.  Keven comes from a background as an education major in college while also working as a computer repair technician.  This unique background gives Keven an approach to classroom technology integration focusing on how tools can be applied to various parts of lessons.
Keven’s passion for education comes in the form of facilitating professional development.  While no longer having a classroom of his own, Keven strives to provide PD the models effective practices while also demonstrating the latest in technology tools.  He has also given a wide variety of conference presentations and local, state, and national levels.
Keven is a Google Certified Educator, MakerBot Certified Educator, and Eagle Scout.
Mentioned in this Podcast: 
Creation Crate: Have a Maker Project delivered to your classroom or home each month. The coolest subscription service I’ve seen! www.CreationCrate.com
Win 90 Days of Coaching with Kelly Croy: Click this link to enter the contest. Contest Ends April 3, 2018, and you can find out more at Kelly’s website at: www.KellyCroy.com
Kevin’s favorite book: Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess.
Kevin’s website: www.TeachersTechToolbox.com
Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 104 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at www.WiredEducator.com
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library.