WEP 183: Thrive in EDU, an Interview with Rachelle Dene Poth

In this 183rd episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Rachelle Dene Poth.

Rachelle Dene Poth is an edtech consultant, presenter, attorney, author, and teacher. Rachelle teaches Spanish and STEAM: What’s nExT in Emerging Technology at Riverview Junior Senior High School in Oakmont, PA. Rachelle has a Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law and a Master’s in Instructional Technology. She is a Consultant and Speaker, owner of ThriveinEDU LLC Consulting. She serves as the past-president of the ISTE Teacher Education Network and serves on the Leadership team of the Mobile Learning Network. At ISTE19, she received the Making IT Happen Award and a Presidential Gold Award for volunteer service to education. She is also a Buncee Ambassador, Nearpod PioNear and Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert.

Rachelle is the author of four books, ‘In Other Words: Quotes That Push Our Thinking,” “Unconventional Ways to Thrive in EDU” (EduMatch) and “The Future is Now: Looking Back to Move Ahead,” Rachelle Dene’s latest book is with ISTE “Chart A New Course: A Guide to Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow’s World.” Rachelle is a blogger for Getting  Smart, Defined Learning, District Administration, NEO LMS, and the  STEM Informer with Newsweek.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Order a copy of Kelly’s book: Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness

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Follow Rachelle on Twitter @Rdene915 and on Instagram @Rdene915. Rachelle has a podcast, ThriveinEDU available at https://anchor.fm/rdene915
Her books are available at bit.ly/Pothbooks
She has a weekly show on LearningRevolution.com, ThriveinEDU
Here is the link to my THRIVEinEDU Facebook Community  https://www.facebook.com/groups/THRIVEinEDU
Rachelle’s website: www.Rdene915.com and her podcast: on Apple podcasts:

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