Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student’s Potential by John D. Couch

I was excited to receive an early copy of Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student’s Potential by John D. Couch today in the mail. You can grab your copy here!

John Couch was friend of Steve Job’s and the first Vice President of Apple Education. I had the good fortune of meeting John in 2011 and hearing him speak. He is brilliant. He has always been an advocate for personalized learning, which is quite a buzz-word in education today.

John’s new book, Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student’s Potential, has a foreword written by Apple’s Co-Founder, Steve Wozniak, who I also had the pleasure of meeting and hearing him speak in 2017. Steve is also an advocate for personalized learning.

I am excited to read this book. If fact, I started it today, and I can’t put it down. Two of my favorite interests combined, education and Apple, all in one book. I have always admired Apple’s dedication and investment in education. This seems even more renewed with their recent, March 2018, Apple Education Event in Chicago. Clearly Education is indeed in Apple’s DNA.

John’s new book is driven by a powerful question: What if we could unlock the potential in every child?

Isn’t that question in the heart of every educator and educational leader? John believes we can, and he believes technology plays a key role. John’s book, like Apple itself, has a grand vision, and this vision is focused on ‘rewiring education.’

John has agreed to be an upcoming guest on my Wired Educator Podcast. I look forward to sharing that interview with you soon.

Until then, order out John’s new book: Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student’s Potential.

Here’s more about this new book:

Apple’s iconic cofounder Steve Jobs had a powerful vision for education: employing technology to make an enormous impact on the lives of millions of students. To realize this vision, Jobs tapped John D. Couch, a trusted engineer and executive with a passion for education. Couch believed the real purpose of education was to help children discover their unique potential and empower them to reach beyond their perceived limitations.

Today, technology is increasingly integrated into every aspect of our lives, rewiring our homes, our jobs, and even our brains. Most important, it presents an opportunity to rewire education to enrich and strengthen our schools, children, and society

In Rewiring Education, Couch shares the professional lessons he’s learned during his 50-plus years in education and technology. He takes us behind Apple’s major research study, Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT), and its follow-up (ACOT 2), highlighting the powerful effects of the Challenge-Based Learning framework. Going beyond Apple’s walls, he also introduces us to some of the most extraordinary parents, educators, and entrepreneurs from around the world who have ignored the failed promises of memorization and, instead, utilize new science-backed methods and technologies that benefit all children, from those who struggle to honor students.

Rewiring Education presents a bold vision for the future of education, looking at promising emerging technologies and how we—as parents, teachers, and voters—can ensure children are provided with opportunities and access to the relevant, creative, collaborative, and challenging learning environments they need to succeed.

Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email: 

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 104 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library.

WEP 086 Curriculum as Story, An Interview with Casey Cohen

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Apple Distinguished Educator Casey Cohen. This is an absolutely dynamite conversation about many topics in education that any educator or administrator can benefit. Kelly and Casey talk about: transitioning from educator to administrator, starting a new job, starting the new year, viewing curriculum as a story, backward design, The Apple Distinguished Educator Program and the ADE 2017 Academy, Casey’s amazing ADE Showcase spot-lighting an amazing Holocaust unit centered around becoming globally connected educators, using Apple’s Clips app for observations, and so much more. This is a great interview.

After having taught secondary school English in the city and suburbs of Philadelphia and Boston for ten years, Casey Cohen is entering a new position as Middle School Director of Hannah Senesh Community Day School. Casey received her B.A. at the University of Michigan where she studied English, history, and theater in Michigan’s Residential College. She received her Ed.M. at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, where she studied English and secondary education in HGSE’s Teacher Education Program. She received her Principal Certification at the University of Pennsylvania where she participated in the School Leadership Program. And, Casey is currently earning her Ed.D. in the Global Educational Leadership Program at Lamar University. She is a proud member of the Apple Distinguished Educator Class of 2015, and she is passionate about sharing her work. She presents at local, state, national, and international conferences on topics that include building school community, global collaboration, up-leveling literature circles, project-based learning in a 1:1 iPad learning environment, and course writing in iTunes U. Connect with Casey on Twitter: @cicohen.

Mentioned on this podcast: 

Apple Distinguished Educator Program


Adobe Sparks Suite

Casey’s most influential book: Night by Eli Wiesel


WEP 0071: The Joy of Professional Learning, An Interview with Kurt Klynen

An Interview with Kurt Klynen

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, Kelly interviews Belgium educator, Kurt Klynen.

Kurt Klynen is an Apple Distinguished Educator with over sixteen years teaching ages 2 to 62 and older in a primary and secondary school in Belgium. He is an ad vacate, author, ambassador and advisor in educational curriculum design and instruction. He founded his own educational start-up, ICT Atelier in 2009 with one primary mission: hands-on, inspiring workshops on the integration of technology in education. He currently leads of 25 superstar educators who spread this vision all over Europe. He serves as an advisor for Apple Distinguished Educators EMEIA region, and as an advisor for both Book Widgets and Book Creator.

Having worked with educators and students around the world, Kurt is truly an international educator. Leaning heavily on Kurt’s experiences in many countries, Kelly interviews Kurt about the differences in education around the world and what best practices and theories have emerged. Kurt also shares his passion for his current ADE project, The Joy of Professional Learning.

Kurt has an incredible eye for design, and he is just a brilliant educator. He is very inspiring to talk with, and I am looking forward to collaborating with him in some way in the future.

Mentioned in this podcast:

Creation Crate: Remember to use the coupon code “WIRED” for five dollars off. Check them out!

Joy of Professional Learning website:

About Kurt:

Download The Joy of Professional Learning:

Download: The Joy of Professional Learning Part 2:

Guest Chefs, The Joy of Professional Learning:

Recommended Books: 

Show Your Workby Austin Kleon

Who Moved My Cheese?by Spencer Johnson, M.D.

Together is Betterby Simon Sinek

Steal Like an Artistby Austin Kleon

Software mentioned by Kurt:

Toolbox for iWork

Pexels: Free Stock Photos


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email.

Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe.
Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 106 episodes of interviews and professional development.
Visit the Wired Educator blog at
Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? Consider Kelly Croy at
Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. 
Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.   •   Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 0058: iPad Art and Education, An Interview with Cathy Hunt

In this episode, Kelly interviews teacher, author, and international speaker and creative educational design specialist, Cathy Hunt.

Cathy is the author of bestselling iPad Art: Lessons, apps and ideas for the iPad in Visual Art and More iPad Art as featured on iBookstore.

Cathy  is a well-known advocate for the creative integration of technology in education, developing ground-breaking programs for students around the world that combine hands-on, tactile and collaborative ways of working with mobile devices.

As an award-winning educational consultant, presenter, author and experienced Visual Art teacher at The St Hilda’s School on Australia’s the Gold Coast, she has worked with thousands of teachers globally to connect creative technology and cutting-edge pedagogical approaches with diverse learners.

Through her bestselling books, dynamic presentations and workshops across the globe for schools, and work for prominent cultural organisations and galleries including the National Gallery of Australia, Cathy models and promotes learning across subject areas that leverages ‘hands-on making’ with 21st Century skills and tools.

Cathy is probably best known for her work on, a home base for educators to engage with innovative ideas, resources and technology for learning in that combines paint and pixels. Her site has grown to become the ‘go-to’ resource for teachers leveraging mobile devices for creativity.

Cathy is an Apple Distinguished Educator currently serving on the Advisory Board for the Asia-Pacific region, and the Educational Reference Committee for the God Coast City Art Gallery. Recent accolades include the 2016 International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) Mobile Learning Innovation Award, two Digital Innovation in Learning Award honourable mentions from Edsurge/Digital Promise, ‘The Futurist’ Award winner for the Women in Business Awards, and 21st Century Learning International’s Teacher of the Year finalist. Cathy’s iBook, ‘More iPad Art’ also won Best Non-Fiction and Best Reference title at the iBA Awards in Nashville.

Mentioned in this podcast: 

• Cathy’s website:

• Cathy’s books on iTunes:

• Lego Mindstorm Robots

• Swift Playgrounds


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 115 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


WEP 0019: An Interview with Anthony Johnson, an Amazing Apple Distinguished Educator

An Interview with Anthony Johnson

Season 2 of The Wired Educator Podcast begins with an amazing interview with Apple Distinguished Educator, Anthony Johnson. Anthony is a passionate educator and an inspiration to students and teachers alike. I’m so excited for you to hear Anthony’s story and learn what he is doing differently in and outside his classroom. This is an amazing interview!

Anthony lives in Salisbury, NC with his wife of twenty years and their three daughters.

In his school years, Anthony was a terrible student and a teacher’s nightmare who stayed in trouble. During that time, he failed 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades before dropping out of high school at the age of 16. Anthony received his G.E.D. and moved from job to job for nearly a decade. He later enrolled at Livingstone College and graduated in 4 years with a degree in Elementary Education. His goal is to teach with enthusiasm and give his students a different experience from his own in grade school. Teaching is his passion and his desire to help young people succeed has afforded Anthony the opportunity to travel the world as an educator. He has presented and given speeches all over the country.

Anthony currently teaches 4th/5th grade Science and Social Studies at Isenberg Elementary School in Salisbury, North Carolina.

Connect with Anthony Johnson @A_P_Johnson on Twitter.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Mini Funk Factory

Most influential book: The Bible

XYZprinting Da Vinci 1.0 3D Printer

iSense App

Audio Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic/XLR Microphone


Phantom Drone

Lego Mindstorm


Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 115 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram