WEP 175 Anything is Possible in a Remote Classroom, an Interview with Jon Jarc

WEP 175 Anything is Possible in a Remote Classroom, an Interview with Jon Jarc

In this episode of the Wired Educator Podcast, I have an amazing conversation with Apple Distinguished Educator and STEM/Art teacher, Jon Jarc about teaching in a remote environment. How can you teach an essential class with so many hands-on tools and supplies like STEM and Art while completely remote? Well, Jon did, and he did it amazingly well. He is an amazing educator. We go in many directions in this interview. You are going to love this episode. 

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Jon is an Apple Distinguished Educator. He is a teacher and technologist at St. Ignatius High School, the Jesuit preparatory school in Cleveland, Ohio. Jon works with teachers integrating technology to their classrooms. 

I interviewed Jon way back on episode 59 of this podcast. He inspires me. He is an amazingly caring human and a talented educator. In one of my darkest hours, Jon looked out for me in my family. During quarantine Jon 3D printed projects his students made and shipped them to his students, and he 3D printed medical supplies for hospitals. 

He supports student learning and faculty professional development across the curriculum. He works with both IT staff and school administration to offer sound technology advice on planning and integration projects throughout our camps as well as conducting ongoing professional development. 

With a wide range of IT experiences and a Masters Degree in Educational Technology, finding solutions to specific teachers’ needs is his specialty.

Jon is an amazing educator and friend and I am proud to share a small piece of his story and expertise with you in this interview 

Mentioned in this interview: 

Great Article with Jon Jarc: https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/04/13/st-ignatius-teacher-using-d-printer-help-make-medical-supplies-out-his-home-north-olmsted/

MakerGear 3D Printers

Here’s a link to my new children’s book, it’s the perfect back-to-school bedtime book:

Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness

Have a great school year. Please subscribe to my newsletter and podcast.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 175 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


WEP 171: Pressing Pause on My Podcast

I just wanted to take a minute (4 minutes and 22 seconds actually) to explain why I feel the need to press pause on my Wired Educator Podcast. I hope you will take a few minutes to listen, reflect, and offer me some advice.

In short, I have been feeling the need to step back from publishing episodes of The Wired Educator Podcast in order to reflect on all that is going on in the world around me and to adjust and become more intentional in providing solutions.

I am pausing my podcast to: honor and mourn the life of George Floyd and others who have died in the black community, highlight the racism in our world, to reflect on how I can use this platform to help end racism and better elevate the voices of educators in all communities, become more intentional in the content I create and share, to stand with peaceful protestors wanting change, and to learn and grow personally.

I realize it is my responsibility, but I do ask for your help if you are willing to recommend guests and topics that would bring greater diversity and serve to make a greater impact in all areas of education.

I thank you for being a loyal listener and supporter. I want you to know I committed to always learning and taking action to improve.

Kelly Croy


WEP 169: Education is Over, an Interview with Bill Rankin

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Bill Rankin. He is an amazing educator, and someone I deeply respect and admire. Dr. Rankin was the worldwide Director of Learning at Apple from 2013 through 2016. He is an academic with more than 25 years of classroom experience, and interviews with Rankin have appeared in Wired, The Guardian, The Times of London, Businessweek. He has recently written a fascinating article titled Education is Over. You are going to love it!

Dr. William Rankin is a learning-experience and learning-frameworks designer and educational theorist who served as worldwide Director of Learning at Apple from 2013 through 2016. An academic with more than 25 years of classroom experience, Rankin helped design the world’s first smartphone-based one-to-one learning program for higher education, for which he was named Campus Technology magazine’s Innovator of the Year for mobile learning in 2008. In 2009, he was named an Apple Distinguished Educator, and in 2010, he began a three-year tenure on the US Board of Apple’s Distinguished Educators program.

Interviews with Rankin have appeared in Wired, The Guardian, The Times of London, Businessweek, The New York Times and The Chronicle for Higher Education and at online sites including InsideHigherEd, Ars Technica, and Open Culture. Rankin has spoken at TEDxDubai and was a featured presenter at London’s Bett Show in 2018 and 2019. He has worked with schools, governments, and learning organizations in more than 30 countries to design, develop, and implement innovative learning and is an expert in mobile- and technology-enhanced learning and constructionism.

Mentioned in this episode: 

Bill’s article, “Education is Over.

Willaim Rankin on TEDxDubai 2011

One of Bill’s choices for most influential book: End of Average by Todd Rose

Here is a link to this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast: http://traffic.libsyn.com/wirededucator/WEP_169_Education_is_Over_An_Interview_with_Bill_Rankin.mp3

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 169 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 



WEP 164: What I Learned About Remote Learning After Ten Weeks, an Interview with Stephanie Castle

In this episode of the Wired Educator podcast, I interview Stephanie Castle and share her amazing experience as an educator in Shanghai during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, her ability to adapt and innovate with remote learning, and her adventurous travel from location to location amidst this pandemic. We also discuss her successful return to China, where she was just released from a 14-day quarantine. She is healthy, happy and teaching! She has much to teach us about remote instruction and learning as well as the living of life. Stephanie and her colleagues have been instructing remotely longer than any other teachers. Buckle-up, this is the episode you are looking for! 

Stephanie Castle is a good friend of mine and a fellow Apple Distinguished Educator. I’ve had the good pleasure to travel with her to different parts of the world through the Apple Distinguished Educator Program. She’s a wonderful human and an incredible teacher. She is the first person from whom I ever heard of the term, coronavirus, back in January when she was unable to return to her school in China due to the virus. Stephanie shares her amazing story in this episode and she provides a great perspective and insight on remote instruction and remote learning as well. As I mentioned she is a brilliant educator, and she has a lot to offer. 

Stephanie Castle is an IB Biology teacher at Shanghai American School and an Apple Distinguished Educator. Originally from London, she has taught both High School Biology and Chemistry, previously working at the United Nations International School in New York. Stephanie has a passion for technology integration into the teaching and learning of Science, particularly in giving students opportunities to visualize their learning, explain complex scientific processes and engage in problem-solving. She is the creator of a YouTube channel for IB Biology and author of the published iBook “Creative Clips in Science – Stimulating Inquiry and Visualizing Learning”.  You can follow her work on Twitter @castlestephanie.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


WEP 161: The Most Important Ingredient of Remote Learning

This is the First Episode Since the COVID-19 Pandemic: How are You?

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I do want to discuss the single most important ingredient in remote learning, but first and foremost, I want to check in with you! How are you doing? I hope this episode can bring you some comfort and hope.

I am so proud of educators around the world helping their students, community, and colleagues. Like you, I have been working extra hours with teachers in and outside my district with remote learning and instruction. Like you, I have been helping my family and community in this time of uncertainty and hardship. Like you, I am concerned about our students and what is coming next. This episode is more than just a check-in. It’s more than just an episode on remote learning. This episode attempts to connect all of us together and make some sense of what is going on and offer a little insight on how to prepare.

I am going to offer my six ingredients on what I think is important to consider when providing remote instruction and support remote learning. I hope you will leave your ideas in the comment section.

I always say educators are my favorite species. Well, now more than ever, you can see evidence of that in all of the great things educators are doing in this time of crisis.

I hope you will check-in with me and let me know how you are doing.

Be safe. Stay healthy. Thanks for all you do!


Some important information: 

Here is a link to my video “Leading in a Time of Crisis” on my Facebook Page. It will also be posted on my Future Focused Podcast in audio soon.

Follow the hashtag #AppleEDUchat on Twitter.

Here is the archive of last Tuesday’s #AppleEDUchat on Supporting Teachers and Students During School Closure: https://wakelet.com/wake/7d7d768d-9d41-4281-a89e-a59aaeb9c92e

Follow the hashtag #RemoteLearning on Twitter.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 

WEP 158: Creating Collaborative Schools, an Interview with Dr. Matthew Joseph

An Interview with Dr. Matthew Joseph

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Matthew Joseph, author of Power of Us: Creating Collaborative Schools and co-author of Modern Mentoring, Reimagining Teacher Mentorship. This is a powerful conversation about Innovative Leadership, Mentoring, Collaboration and so much more! I love this interview! Matthew and I talk about so many important areas of education!  You will leave this episode with an incredible list of takeaways that you can immediately apply in your classroom, your building, and your district. This is a must-listen episode of The Wired Educator Podcast.

Dr. Matthew X. Joseph has collected incredible insights on how best to support teaching and learning, and his work has led to nationally published articles and opportunities to speak at multiple state and national events. He has been a school and district leader in many capacities in public education over his twenty-five years in the field, with experiences such as being the director of digital learning and innovation, an elementary school principal, a classroom teacher, and a district professional development specialist. Matt currently serves as the director of curriculum, instruction, and assessment in Leicester Public Schools. He earned a master’s degree in special education and administration and has his Ed.D. in educational leadership from Boston College. Matt holds licenses in teaching, school administration, and MA superintendent.

Matt is the author of Power of Us: Creating Collaborative Schools and co-author of Modern Mentoring, Reimagining Teacher Mentorship. He has been featured in national publications for his work and stays active on social media encouraging others to believe in themselves, stay authentic, and turn potential into Power. Follow Matthew on Twitter and read his blog.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcastand subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram 


WEP 155: EdTech Stories, an Interview with Richard Colosi

An Interview with Richard Colosi

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Richard Colosi about his awesome new podcast titled EdTech Stories. It is an educational, narrative podcast that he is launching on February 10th. I talk with Rich about his work in education as an instructional technology specialist, being a consultant with the United States Department of Education, Office of Innovation in Improvement, and more! This is an incredible episode. Rich is brilliant and one of the kindest humans I know. You are going to love this episode.

Richard Colosi is an Instructional Technology Specialist from Rochester, NY. Since beginning his education career 15 years ago, he has established himself as an effective leader within instructional technology through creating and sharing effective integration practices to maximize student learning.  He’s been a featured presenter at numerous school districts and conferences and has worked as a consultant with the United States Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement.

Richard is also an Apple Distinguished Educator and has been profiled on local television and in print media including The Wall Street Journal and The American Teacher.  His latest project is a brand new, narrative storytelling podcast called EdTech Stories which will profile the origins behind the products used in your classroom every day.  Season 1 of EdTech Stories will launch on Monday, February 10th.

Mentioned in this episode:

Mark your calendar! Richard’s podcast EdTEch Stories will premiere on February 10th! Listen and subscribe!

Find and follow Richard’s journey and work on:

Richard’s favorite books to read: 

I am excited to be a featured speaker at the OETC conference on February 12 in Columbus Ohio. It’s a dream come true.  I am proud to represent Port Clinton City Schools and all of the great things we are doing there. We are on a journey!

My presentations at the OETC Conference are: The Future of Digital Learning: From Distracted Student to Content Creator (ballroom), Wired to Teach: Vanquishing the Myth of the Digital  Native Learner and Beyond, Start a Podcast, Teach the World, and co-presenting on a general session with our Director of Learning Technologies, Chelsea Moyer on Rock’em Sock’em Educators: Apple vs. Google, Battlemania of Educational Apps. I am honored to speak at OETC. It is a dream come true because it’s my home state! I’ve traveled around the world to speak at Educational Conferences, but this is the one I’ve been dreaming of since I started teaching. I’m excited to speak at other conferences too this year, and maybe one day being an opening day speaker at your school!

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

I am giving a free copy of my book Along Came a Leader away this week between now and February 5th  if you encourage other people to listen to the Wired Educator Podcast using the #WiredToTeach or #wired2teach on social media, I will choose a winner based on your enthusiasm, creativity, and multiple attempts. I’ll be giving away one book. I hope you encourage others to listen to the Wired Educator podcast. Feel free to use any social media you like. I most closely watch Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Feel free to tag me.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcastand subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram  



WEP 153: The Future of Education, An Interview Jakob Ebsen Hanson

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Jakob Hansen. Jakob has more than ten years in education as an innovative educator and leader. He has now turned his attention to the future of education. He is an educational consultant helping schools now prepare students for the future. This is an amazing interview and conversation that will really get you thinking.

Jakob was one of the leading forces behind FlowFactory, Denmarks’ first High School that was 100% based on Challenge Based Learning and cross-curricula, Real World projects, together with both local and international corporations and organizations (like LEGO Education, SamLabs and Danfoss). His mission is to inspire us to reinvent education … to dare to think differently about learning and to aim higher and to see new creative possibilities for learning that are based on future trends instead of historical traditions. 

Jakob Hansen has a background in industrial and interaction design and has been teaching Design, Entrepreneurship and Coding and App Dev. (Swift coding in X code.)

Last year Jakob left the classroom and works now with schools all around the world (South Africa, England, Ukraine, UAE, Germany, Denmark) as an independent consultant. The focus is on Challenge Based Learning, Leading Change and the Design of new Learning Spaces.

Jakob is one of three co-founders of the new nonprofit organization toward2030.org. The mission is to give schools and decision-makers the opportunity to dream big and set big goals for where they want to be in 2030, a decade from now, by providing creative tools and facilitate workshops and bring ambitious schools across the world closer together.

Mentioned in this episode:

Follow Jakob on Twitter and Instagram at: @jakobesben and Instagram

Jakob’s company is called, The Friendly Disruptor – www.FriendlyDisruptor.com (website temporarily offline – working on a huge redesign.)

Toward2030.org: www.toward2030.org (Will be online from the end of next week. (the 18 of Jan 2020))

Last chance to receive my eBook, The Greatest Year of Your Life, updated for 2020. This opportunity closes on January 15, 2020, and then the book goes on sale. To help you kick off the new year and to help you reach your goals and resolutions this year, I am giving away a free copy of my 64-page eBook, The Greatest Year of Your Life (2020 Edition) to everyone who signs up for my newsletter. Become more productive. Get things done. Level-up your leadership. Design a more dynamic life. All you have to do to receive the free copy is to sign-up for my free newsletter. Just click this link and enter your email. That’s it. It’s that simple. This eBook is available only until January 15, 2020.

2) Last chance to apply for coaching with me. This opportunity also closes on January 15, 2020. I am even giving away one seat away fro FREE. Would you like to work with me to help you achieve your goal of publishing a book, building a website, hosting a podcast, starting a business, becoming a speaker, or achieving another awesome life goal? Complete the following application before January 15, 2020. One lucky applicant will win free coaching. Here is the application: https://forms.gle/762GxbJ8b5oD8xEK9

3) I want to speak to your school or organization this year! I know January and February are two big months for organizations to start planning their professional learning and speakers for the year. I would love to work with your organization to level-up your leadership. To learn more about my speaking visit www.KellyCroy.com and www.WiredEducator.com. Last year I traveled as close as a neighboring town to work with a financial firm and as far as the Philippines to speak at an international education conference. I would love to speak at your event. No matter what the challenge, leadership is the solution!

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker, and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcast and subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram  


WEP 152: Class Tech Tips, An Interview with Monica Burns

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Monica Burns, the founder of Class Tech Tips! Monica was guest back on episode 72. It was great catching up with Monica and seeing the wonderful resources she creates for educators. You are going to love this episode.

Dr. Monica Burns is a Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator and Founder of ClassTechTips.com. Monica was part of her school’s leadership team and was a vocal advocate for bringing one-to-one technology into her classroom. As a classroom teacher, Monica used iPads to create an engaging, differentiated learning experience to meet the unique needs of her students. Realizing the power of digital tools in the classroom, Monica started ClassTechTips.com to provide a resource for educators.

Since starting ClassTechTips.com, Monica has presented to teachers, administrators and tech-enthusiasts at numerous national and international conferences including SXSWedu, ISTE, FETC and EduTECH. She is a webinar host for SimpleK12 and a regular contributor to Edutopia. Monica is the author of Tasks Before Apps: Designing Rigorous Learning in a Tech-Rich Classroom (ASCD), #FormativeTech: Meaningful, Sustainable, and Scannable Formative Assessment with Technology (Corwin), Deeper Learning with QR Codes and Augmented Reality (Corwin), and co-author of 40 Ways to Inject Creativity into Your Classroom with Adobe Spark.

Monica visits schools across the country to work with PreK-20 teachers to make technology integration exciting and accessible. In addition to being named an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2013, Monica is a graduate of the University of Delaware and Hunter College, and completed a Doctorate in Global Education Leadership at Lamar University in 2016.


Mentioned in this episode: 

Moncia’s website: www.classtechtips.com

Monica’s podcast: https://classtechtips.com/category/podcast/

Follow Monica on these social media platforms: 

Twitter: Twitter.com/classtechtips

Facebook: Facebook.com/classtechtips

Pinterest: Pinterest.com/classtechtips

Instagram: Instagram.com/classtechtips

Monica’s Books: 

From Kelly: 

Sign-up for my free newsletter: To help you kick off the new year and to help you reach your goals and resolutions this year, I am giving away a free copy of my 64-page eBook, The Greatest Year of Your Life (2020 Edition) to everyone who signs up for my newsletter. Become more productive. Get things done. Level-up your leadership. Design a more dynamic life. All you have to do to receive the free copy is to sign-up for my free newsletter. Just click this link and enter your email. That’s it. It’s that simple. This eBook is available only until January 15, 2020.

Coaching Application: Would you like to work with me to help you achieve your goal of publishing a book, building a website, hosting a podcast, starting a business, becoming a speaker, or achieving another awesome life goal? Complete the following application before January 15, 2020. One lucky applicant will win free coaching. Here is the application: https://forms.gle/762GxbJ8b5oD8xEK9 
Wishing you much success!
May your 2020 be filled with good health and happiness, peace and prosperity, much love and laughter.

Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcastand subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leaderfor a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram  

WEP 151: Resolutions Every Educator Should Make for 2020

In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I share 20 resolutions for 2020 that I believe will help every educator, administrator, and school district to level-up and impact lives. This episode is based on a blog post I share every year on www.WiredEducator.com on New Year’s Day. I hope you enjoy it. I would love to read your EDU Resolutions for 2020.

Educators are my favorite species. They not only work incredibly hard all hours of the day to make an impact in the lives of those they teach, they are also constantly working to improve themselves as well.

Each year I taught, I wanted to make my classroom, lessons, and engagement better. I was always trying to level-up. I still am. I made resolutions each school year and again at the start of the new year. I love those imaginary reset buttons! I shared my resolutions each year with my students and hung them on the classroom wall. Why? Because I knew my students would hold me accountable. And boy did they! I didn’t hit them all, but I hit more than I would have if I didn’t share them.

This podcast episode contains 20 Resolutions I believe will help you and your school level-up and make an even greater impact.

Which resolutions challenge you? Which ones are you crushing?

Leave your EDU resolutions in the comments.

Sign-up for my newsletter by January 15 and you will receive a free copy of my 64-page eBook, The Greatest Year of Your Life, 2020 Edition. You can sign-up for the newsletter here.

Hey! Are you doing something great in education? Fill out this form! Are you #Wired2Teach? Are you doing something amazing in education? I want to know. I want to recognize listeners of the podcast and share it out to the world on www.WiredEducator.com, and I may even choose to interview you on the show. Check the show notes for a link to a form so you can submit your EDUawesomeness. Here is a link to the form: https://forms.gle/ovd1cZjd7YCx1Vyg7


Sign-up for Kelly’s newsletter here. Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcastand subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcast with over 150 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at www.KellyCroy.com. • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at www.KellyCroy.com • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader for a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook.  • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter.  •  Follow Kelly Croy on InstagramÂ