WEP 222: Rogue Leader an Interview with Rich Czyz

Make the Rules, Inspire Others, and Take Control of Your Own Professional Development Destiny

In this episode Rich Czyz and I talk about getting creative with professional learning opportunities, how to make professional learning not be too much on teacher’s plates, and most importantly how to be a Rogue Leader in your district. Rich is amazing and I am so proud of all that we discuss to keep education fun and meaningful. Rich’s insight to professional learning is second to none. This is an amazing listen.
Rich Czyz is an author, educator, and speaker. He started his career as a fifth grade teacher, has served as a Basic Skills teacher, instructional coach, elementary supervisor and Director of Curriculum & Instruction. Rich is currently the Proud Principal of the Yardville Elementary School in NJ and Co-Founder of FourOClockFaculty.com, as well as author of several books including The Four O’Clock Faculty, The Secret Sauce, and his newest book, ROGUE Leader: Make the Rules, Inspire Others, and Take Control of Your Own Professional Development Destiny. Rich is passionate about engaging all stakeholders in meaningful and relevant learning opportunities.

Known and dreaded by most educators, professional development is often viewed as one more item to tick off the list of obligations that’s not necessarily useful or meaningful to teachers. But it doesn’t have to be that way! As Czyz argues, “pursuing learning and professional development is the single most important action we can take to hone our craft as educators.” In Rogue Leader, Czyz offers the READI method (relevance, embeddedness, alignment, design, and impact) to assess and improve PD programs. He also offers smart principles and practical advice to jumpstart the practice of professional learning at your institution, building on the ideas introduced in his revolutionary Four O’Clock Faculty. Prepare to go ROGUE!

Mentioned in this episode:

Rich’s book: Rogue Leader: Make the Rules, Inspire Others, and Take Control of Your Own Professional Development Destiny

Rich’s website: https://fouroclockfaculty.com/

One of the most influential books Rich has ever read: Creative Trespassing by Tania Katan, about people stuck in non creative jobs and how to get creative.


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Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
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