Finding the Calm in the Chaos, Five Tips for Educators

A Guest Blog Post by Theresa Welch

Finding the Calm in the Chaos

My eight-year-old daughter asked me the other day, what “this” time is like in terms of other times in my life.  It was difficult to explain to her that it is unlike anything I’ve experienced in my lifetime or her grandparents have experienced in theirs.  These are truly new and can be for some, scary times.

Teachers are moving to remote or distance learning.  Parents are moving to work from home models.  Students are navigating a whole new world of learning without the proximity of their teachers and friends.  And all of us are coping with the physical separation from loved ones and friends.  It certainly makes for a stressful situation for all.

But we are teachers and we are flexible!  How many times have you had to pivot a lesson because it didn’t go as planned?  Well, think of this as the Guinness Book of World Records record holder for a pivot!  And here are some tips so help you handle that pivot like an NBA star:

1.) Set up hours.  We don’t teach twenty-four hours a day – why do we think that we need to be logged in/creating/doing for that amount of time?  Personally, I’m trying to create realistic hours and stick to them.  Once I clock out, I take walks with my family, crochet, or try to do something to help me recharge my batteries.  As the saying goes, “put on your oxygen mask first”.  If we don’t take care of ourselves, we risk burning out during this new endeavor.

2.) Be gentle with students, be gentle with yourself.  This is new to EVERYONE!  In my district, students and many teachers are learning a new platform during this chaotic time.  We are frantically trying to deploy devices and get everyone on board.  But, like I tell teachers – we are all in this together!  Be patient with students and their families who are just as worried as we are.  Be patient with colleagues that reach out to you for help.  And most of all, be patient with yourself.  This certainly isn’t where any of us planned to be in the school year, but we can’t change it, only deal with it.

3.) Enjoy the change of pace.  I don’t know if you’re like me, but I am usually rushing out the door after getting my daughter on the bus, coffee in my travel mug, and praying that there is no traffic!  All of a sudden, most of our commutes have been DRASTICALLY shortened.  Enjoy the coffee in a real mug!  Sit with your kids, dog, or even a good book at breakfast.  Maybe even use that extra time in the morning to get some exercise in (#wired2run anyone???)

4.) Enjoy the change of scenery.  In addition to having a change to the pace of our day, the scenery sure has changed too!  I never taught a library class looking out my front window as neighbors strolled by.  I never did a read aloud from my deck.  And I certainly never had the joy of my dog’s company as I taught.  Enjoy the fact that work truly has all the comforts of home for the time being!  

5.) Don’t forget to laugh.  I am a big fan of Jimmy Buffet and there is a line in one of his songs, “If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”  If there was ever a time where this is applicable, this is it!  Enjoy a meme, an episode of your favorite sitcom, or a cheesy joke with a friend.  One from my son to get you started (full disclosure – 13-year-old boy joke): What is the German word for constipation? Far-from-poopen!

I know that the uncertainty of this time makes us all uneasy.  But I am a firm believer in trying to find the good in the situation.  Try to find those moments of calm or laughter as you go throughout your day.  And don’t forget that we are all in this together!

Be safe, be well, you’ve got this!

Theresa Welch