Why Every School District Should Kick Off the Year with an Opening Day Speaker

Is Your District Ready for Opening Day with Staff?

Why Every School District Should Kick Off the Year with an Opening Day Speaker

As one school year concludes, the groundwork for an exceptional 2024-2025 school year begins.

Everyone needs some summertime to relax and rejuvenate, especially educators, but the planning for an awesome next year can’t be completely put off. There’s one event that can set the tone for an entire year: an inspiring, energizing, and unifying opening-day speaker.

A great opening day speaker should do three things:

1. Celebrate Every Role

Let’s face it, the magic of a school year doesn’t happen without a great team. Teachers are legends, and they need to be celebrated! They need to feel the support and appreciation for their work. While doing this, let’s not forget the unsung heroes of the EDU team. From the bus drivers who ensure our students arrive safely, to the cafeteria staff who provide nutritious meals, to the maintenance crew who keep our schools running smoothly, our counselors, secretaries, and EVERY single position. An opening day speaker can spotlight these contributions, making each member of the staff feel seen, valued, and integral to the school’s success. It’s a powerful way to honor and celebrate the work that often goes unnoticed. A great opening day speaker makes everyone feel proud to be on the team and feel valued.

2. Set a Positive Tone

There’s something electrifying about a well-delivered presentation from a passionate, veteran educator who wants to help others make a difference. A great opening day speaker can get everyone excited and set a positive, collaborative tone for the year. A great speaker can ignite passion, inspire new perspectives, and renew a sense of purpose (as well as get people laughing and see the joy, purpose, and fulfillment of their important roles). It’s a chance to remind educators why they chose this noble profession and to reignite their commitment to making a difference in students’ lives. Starting the year with a burst of inspiration can have a lasting impact, fostering a supportive and enthusiastic school culture.

3. Build Unity and Morale

A school is much more than a collection of classrooms and offices; it’s a community. An opening day speaker can bridge gaps between departments, bringing everyone together under a common goal. Whether you’re in transportation, maintenance, the cafeteria, counseling, or administration, everyone plays a pivotal role in the educational journey. Celebrating this unity and reinforcing the importance of each department’s contributions can boost morale and create a more cohesive and motivated team.

At the end of the day, investing in an opening day speaker is investing in the heart and soul of your school district. It’s a chance to show appreciation, inspire greatness, and foster unity. And who better to deliver this impactful message than someone who has lived and breathed education?

Bonus: Practical Skills for Life and Work

One of the hidden gems of having an opening day speaker is the chance for everyone to learn a skill or two that they can actually use in their work and their life. Imagine the power of gaining insights that help you better approach challenges, both in and out of the classroom. The opening day speaker isn’t just about motivation; they offer excellent leadership training because we are all leaders somewhere in the district. Whether you’re guiding students, managing a team, or supporting your colleagues, the practical benefits you gain from an inspiring speaker can enhance your effectiveness and enrich your daily interactions.

Meet Kelly Croy

Kelly Croy is a seasoned educator, renowned speaker, and author who has dedicated his career to uplifting and empowering educators. With a unique blend of humor, insight, and heartfelt stories, Kelly has the ability to connect with audiences and leave them feeling inspired and appreciated. Interested in making your school year unforgettable? Reach out to Kelly Croy at www.kellycroy.com and bring the spark of inspiration to your opening day.

Let’s make this upcoming school year the best one yet by celebrating every hand that contributes to shaping the future. Here’s to a year filled with joy, unity, and relentless passion for education!

Kelly Croy is the Director of Innovation and Instruction for Port Clinton City Schools and the host of the popular Wired Educator Podcast. He has author Along Came a Leader:  A Personal and Professional Guide to Leadership and he is the author and illustrator of Unthink Before Bed a children’s book on anxiety that teaches students skills in coping with anxiety, preparing for the next day, and getting a good night’s sleep. Kelly taught ELA 7 for 26 years and has been the Director of Innovation & Instruction for the past seven years. He has spoken to over 100 schools/conferences around the globe.

Order Kelly’s books, Along Came a Leader and Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness for your personal library.

Educator, Author, Keynote Speaker
Twitter: @kellycroy
Instagram: @kcroy
Website: kellycroy.com and wirededucator.com
Podcast: The Wired Educator Podcast
and of course: Facebook.

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